Collective Buzz, 2014:
Collective Buzz (Honeybee Collective) is an interactive performance and installation that invites participants into the "hive" to learn about bees, sample honey, and become part of a superorganism by contributing their voices to a looping soundtrack. It was first presented as part of An Evening of Sound Art, an invitational exhibition at Track One Gallery in Nashville, TN in May 2014. A variation was presented at the Global Fusion conference in Austin, TX in October 2014, and the piece was the basis for Melissamorphic, presented with my MFA thesis exhibit, Honeybee Collectives in March 2015.
Click Here for more about Bees!
Click Here for more about Bees!
Shorter excerpt 30 seconds. Cinematogrpahy by Jay Needham, editing by Honna Veerkamp
Longer excerpt 2:49 min. Cinematogrpahy by Jay Needham, editing by Honna Veerkamp